How much business have you lost because you do not have a quality online presence? You'll never know! Don't take that chance. All you need is a bare minimum. 6 personality driven videos a month, scripted, directed, produced, and uploaded by Clover, so you don't have to think about it. You can be involved if you want your face and charisma to be showcased: but we have in house talent to do all the heavy lifting for you. Comedy, winsome insights into current events, and quirky opinions on general topics are what attract people to your company, not sale driven marketing jargon. You want your friendly and winsome business to be represented well in the online world. It's too ubiquitous to take for granted. Level two would be to film a podcast/interview and use that content to populate your online presence. Not only will you make great connections with community partners and peers, but you will automatically generate engaging content to bolster your social media feeds.
